Minecraft minimap in tekkit LEGENDS
Minecraft minimap in tekkit LEGENDS

ProjectRed Base - By mrtjp - Replacing RedPower Base.

minecraft minimap in tekkit LEGENDS

ProjectE - By sinkillerj - Replacing Equivalent Exchange. Netherending Ores - By ictrab - Replacing NetherOres, adds End-dimension ores. Tekkit Version 1.2.9i created by sct on Minecraft 1.6.4 using Technic Solder Overview Updates 5 Changelog Mods 63 Discuss 609 We have Liftoff Tekkit has launched into a new era, and with it new frontiers to explore Dimensions, pockets and planets, it’s all there for you and your friends to exploit and conquer. Get your gear in order and prepare to blast off on an adventure all your own with Tekkit. JourneyMap - By techbrew - Replacing Rei's Minimap Just Enough Items (JEI) - By mezz - Replacing Not Enough Items (NEI). With the skies open, the moon ready to be colonized (by force if need be) and dimensional mysteries to be plied, with tesseracts to be networked, “meat” to be processed, items to be digitized, and power suits to be manufactured, there is virtually limitless engineering projects to be assembled. 3.9K 383K views 7 years ago Welcome to Tekkit Legends This is the latest modpack from the curators of the Technic Launcher, and the newest official iteration of Tekkit Today, I'll show you. You must update your pack to this version to join the server. 4 Rubber Tree 5 Basic Items 5.1 Copper Cables 5.2 Refined Iron 5.3 Machine Block 5.4 Wrench 6 Making, Storing and Transmitting EU 6.1 Generator 6.2 BatBox 6.3 RE Battery 7 The Basic Machines 7.1 Extractor 7.2 Macerator 7.3 Electric Furnace 7.4 Compressor 7.5 Miner 7.6 Pump 8 Natural Energy 8.1 Wind Mill 8.2 Water Mill 8.

minecraft minimap in tekkit LEGENDS

Tekkit is not a mod, but actually a bunch of different mods compiled into a modpack.Īrmed with the latest versions of the best mods from the hottest authors, a renewed sense of adventure and a focused drive, Tekkit is set to reignite the same sort of wonder and awe that we all received from booting up Minecraft for the first time. Rishum 10 months ago Our Tekkit 2 server has now been updated to pack Version 1.0.2 and is now available to join.

Minecraft minimap in tekkit LEGENDS